통합검색 검색 닫기



주재구 프로필 사진
  • 성명

    주재구 교수

  • 전공


  • 최종학위

    포항공대 공학박사

  • 연구실

    장영실관(E동) 407호


- (학사) 서울대학교 산업공학과 (1987)

- (석사) 포항공과대학교(POSTECH) 산업경영공학과 (1997)

- (박사) 포항공과대학교(POSTECH) 산업경영공학과 (2001)

교육 및 연구경력

- LG반도체 생산기술연구소 (1990~1998)

- 포항공과대학교 산업경영공학과 연구조교 (1995~1998)

- 인제대학교 산업경영공학과 교수 (1999~현재)

- 교수평의회 교육연구분과위원회 위원 (1999~2001)

- Mecha-Know 21사업단 현장특화인력양성센터 전문위원 (2000~2004)

- 인제대학교 첨단산업기술대학원 부원장 (2001~2003)

- 인제혁신위원회 교육과정개편위원회 위원 (2004~2005)

- 인제대학교 NURI 경남제조IT혁신 전문인력양성사업팀장 (2005~2007)

- 인제대학교 공학교육인증 산업경영공학프로그램 PD (2012~2014)

- 인제대학교 공학교육인증 산업경영공학프로그램 PD (2019.08~현재)

기타 및 학술관련 경력

- 한국정밀공학회, 회원 (1996~2001)

- 대한산업공학회 종신회원 (1999~현재)

- 한국연구재단 과제평과위원 (2001~현재)

- The Pennsylvania State University 객원교수 (2008~2009)

- IIE Transaction 논문심사위원 (2008~현재)

- IIE Transaction, Member (2009~현재)

- Tree of Life Ministry International Staff (2019~현재)

연구 관심 분야

- 인지와 추론 기반의 인간 행동 모델링 및 시뮬레이션

- 재난 안전 관리

- 경영 및 생산 혁신

- 제조시스템 설계 및 운영관리

- 인간-환경 시스템 분석 및 설계

- 에이전트 기반 시뮬레이션 응용

강의 분야

- 생산관리

- 시뮬레이션

- 생산경영

- 공학제도


저서 및 주요 논문

- Agent-based simulation of affordance-based human behaviors in emergency evacuation, SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY, 2013

- Perception and BDI Reasoning Based Agent Model for Human Behavior Simulation in Complex System, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013

- 어포던스 기반 에이전트 모델을 이용한 인간 행동패턴 인식 장치, 국내특허등록, 2013

- 어포던스 기반 에이전트 모델을 이용한 인간 행동패턴 인식 방법, 국내특허등록, 2013

- Perception and BDI Reasoning Based Agent Model for Human Behavior Simulation in Complex System“,Human-Computer International, 2013

- Assessment Model of Core Manufacturability to Promote Collaboration of Small and Medium Sized Model Companies, IE Interfaces, 2012

- Ontology for Supplier Discover in Manufacturing Domain, IE Interfaces, 2012

- Modeling and Simulation of Emergent Evacuation Using Affordance-based FSA Models, The Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2011

- A Modeling Formalism for Human-Machine Cooperative Systems, International Journal of Production Research, 2011

- Human Behavioral Simulation Using Affordance-Based Agent Model, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011

- Human Behavioral Simulation Using Affordance-Based Agent Model, Human-Computer Interaction International, 2011

- An Affordance-based Formalism for Modeling Human-involvement in Complex Systems for Prospective Controls, Winter Simulation Conference, 2010

- A Formalism for Human-Machine Cooperative Systems, Proceedings of International Conference on Production Research, 2009

- Functional Design of Manufacturing Quote Services for Collaboration between Designer and Manufacturer, The Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2008

- Affordance-Based Simulation using Finite State Automata, “Industrial Engineering Research Conference”, 2009

- An Affordance-based Modeling Approach to Human-involved Systems for Prospective Controls, “ Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference”, 2009

- Design of the Model Framework for Human-involved Systems, Proceedings of Industrial Engineering Research Conference, 2009

- Web Service-based System Architecture to Support Design and Manufacturing Collaboration in Distributed Environments, Proceedings of the Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference, 2007

- Neural Network-based Dynamic Planning Model for Process Parameter Determination, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modeling, Control & Automation, 2005

- Web service and dynamic planning model-based design and manufacturing collaboration supporting framework “Proceedings of the Korean Industrial Engineering Conference”, 2004

- Web service based framework of an agent-based shop floor control system in B2B environment, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering, 2004

- Neural network-based dynamic process planning and it’s integration with shop floor scheduling, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, 2002

- Adaptive and Dynamic Process Planning using Neural Networks, International Journal of Production Research, 2001

- Dynamic planning model for determining cutting parameters using neural network in feature-based process planning, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2001

- Representation and Classification of Process Plan Information for Adaptive and Dynamic Process Planning System, Proceedings of the 2001-Fall Korean Industrial Engineering Conference, 2001

- A Prototype Virtual Reality System through IDEF Modeling for Product Configuration and Analysis, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2000

- Adaptive and Dynamic Cutting Tool Selection using Neural Networks, Proceedings of the Informs-KORMS, 2000

- Efficient  sculptured pocket machining using feature extraction and conversion, Journal of Manufacturing System, 1999

- Dynamic planning models for determining cutting parameters using neural networks in feature-based CAPP, “Proceedings of the 1998-Fall Korean Industrial Engineering Conference”, 1998

- Efficient feature-based process planning for sculptured pocket machining, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 1997

- Manufacturing feature extraction for sculptured pocket machining, Proceedings of the Korea Precision Engineering Conference, 1997

- Efficient feature-based process planning for sculptured pocket machining, Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 1996